What’s the best flavor that masks the taste for postpartum placenta consumption? Chocolate of course.
Placental consumption smoothies were also highly rated when the right fruits were used to hide the taste; peanut butter also did well and came in third place. But let’s back up for a moment. What do you need to administer the The Raw Placental Consumption Method?
You’ll Need These Supplies
- Gloves
- Sharp Knife or Scissors
- Flexible Cutting Mat
- A glass to serve smoothie in
- Blender
- Smoothie supplies (see download for recipes).
Here’s Your Method:
- If needed, immerse the placenta in a vinegar bath for 10 minutes.
- Relocate the placenta to the flexible cutting board.
- Slice the placenta as thinly as possible into walnut, (bite sized) pieces.
- The placenta is now ready for raw consumption. Two common forms of consumption are to cut up the placenta into small pieces and hand-place them into capsules or blend raw into smoothies. The placenta can also be dipped in honey and consumed or placed (uncooked) into a familiar meal as a meat substitute.
Midwife & Mom Field Tested Advice for Placenta Consumption Smoothies
The texture and taste of the placenta smoothie are very important to many mothers who would otherwise find the raw placenta unpalatable. Make sure your fruit is ripe, especially the bananas. Under-ripe fruit adds little flavor or sweetness and doesn’t add the same creaminess to the smoothie’s texture. While the recipes call for milk, any milk may be substituted. For example, raw or pasteurized goat or cow’s milk, a non-dairy milk such as rice, coconut, or soy, or a nut milk such as almond or cashew milk can be used.
Download our recipe guide for the smoothies midwives and placenta encapsulators have rated as all time favorites! You want to make sure your client is well cared for and HAPPY for the win. Each recipe makes approximately 2-1/2 cups.