The magic of our program isn’t secret content; it’s the dozen ways we’ve built-in to be with you in the process, and to hold you accountable—to yourself and the vision we uncover together.
Why Recertify?
Placenta Encapsulators use multiple unique methods to turn the hormones, trace elements, stem cells, vitamins, and nutrients into gentle maternal supplements. Placenta encapsulation is a meaningful, flexible career and a wonderful way to serve at the time of birth without the demands of being an ‘on call’ birth professional. It’s also a great foundation for future expansion into additional service offerings. Placental remedies are part of the abundant provision of nature to support the vital and blissful state of bonding between mother and child; it infuses their physiology with a calm energetic focus while supporting rejuvenation and therapeutic rest.
Is Placenta Encapsulation Certification Right For You?
For those of us who want to make the world a little bit more like heaven on earth, one of the most meaningful investments we can make are those into families around the crucial time of birth.
It may seem trite, but we literally believe peace on earth starts with birth, and that supporting that first bond between mother and child is a fountainhead of acceptance and peace that can flow to restore every other area of disconnection in our world.
If you have a deeply felt calling to support newborn mothers with the placenta’s unique properties, you’re in the right place!
Ashley Houchin created this course out of a desire to support aspiring encapsulators with a course filled with the detailed information you’ll need to professionally answer all your client’s why questions, the media, social, finance, and business training to have your business thriving from day one, and the communal support to celebrate your journey into a new level of contribution and thriving.
A Brilliant Birth Academy Education Will Support Your Calling & Accelerate Your Passion For Birth Into A More Meaningful Career As An Encapsulator.
Discover How Quickly You Can Become A Confident & Thriving Placenta Encapsulator
We Certify & Equip Students
We’re not focused on our prestige or field research publications; Brilliant Birth Academy is a simply a teaching academy. Like most parents, we define our success by our students’ success. That translates into practical ways we are radically different from other trainings.
Assignments Are Practical
We do action-based learning experiences with curated assignments that systematically build the business assets you need to go live. You’ll be writing an evidence-based placental benefits section for your website, not a 25 paged research paper that will take you two months to finish (and that you’ll never touch again).
No Excessive Paperwork
Our students thought clarity coaching sessions for professional feed-back and encouragement, client script swipe files, hospital regulation training, legal and professional assets were helpful when preparing to take their first real client and that lengthy documentation requirements were not. We agreed.
We’re Partnering With Your Service
Our course completion rates are record-breaking in our industry. That’s because we’re not selling online programs–we are trying welcome every newborn into a world that feels like love. Practically, that means the Academy is designed to accelerate you through certification and into sustainable service.
We Invest Long-term
Post-graduation we send monthly continuing ed resources conveniently delivered via email. We want you to stay confident, fully resourced, and professionally inspired. Our technical detail refreshers, business mindset upgrades, and unique opportunities are just a few ways we love to stay in touch.
No Annual Membership Fees
Other trainings have hidden ‘re-certification’ fees and charge up to $75.00 for ‘annual membership’ that come with lots of bullet points and little obvious value. It’s our intention to serve our graduates long-term as a parent organization that naturally seeks to invest in them longterm.
Become An Expert
But don’t worry! Our course’s reported months-to-completion is eight full months shorter than alternative trainings with similar course requirements and material, because our courses have been painstakingly condensed. Our foundational principles are arraigned into a strategic framework so you can easily internalize core principles into a developed intuition. Our short, digestible lessons are 20-40 minutes long and make sure “you’ve learned it” and not just “you’ve heard it”. When you leave our course you’ll feel like a professional, because you’ll actually be one.
Uncover Your Brilliance
These courses are personal and practical. We believe your family is just as important as the ones you’re serving, and that’s why we’ve included lifestyle design strategies. Our innovative courses will accelerate you into your own dynamic well-being first so you can show up for your clients as the best version of yourself. Our neuroscience-based training will equip you to exude a calm and joyous presence in the sacred birth space.
Birth is high-stakes. Being excellence in the face of challenges requires mastery of a lot of skills. We demystify how to build a foundation in your everyday life that can sustain the cost of really going for your dreams. For many students becoming a birthworker is a first, powerful step toward a life of higher contribution and success.
Launch Your Business
This module is project-based; it’s an action-based learning experience with curated assignments that systematically build the business assets you need to go live. You’ll build amazing relationships as we dream, brainstorm, flesh-out, simplify, and execute on your business. Imagine for a moment that you’ve finished an alternative training. You open up your browser and what do you type in the search box? What do you have to think of, to know, to create, to finish, in order to take that first payment and serve that first client? Our Academy doesn’t sell certifications; we unleash Brilliant Birthworkers who have epic, complete businesses they’re proud of. With Brilliant Birth Academy you’ll be in business for yourself, but never by yourself.
“It’s rare to find a course that is so easily accessible online and yet moves you to create actual change in actionable steps in just the first 10 minutes of listening.
I have never felt so inspired to uncover and work through my goals as I did with these business courses. There were multiple ah-ha movements that completely shifted the way I think about my business and the way I relate to being a birth worker. I am empowered to make changes in my professional and personal life that reflect who I am at the deepest level; this course without a doubt changed the trajectory of my year.”
-Tiffany A. Student of Midwifery, Herbology, & Life
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Frequently Asked Questions
$497.00 to start, plus at least that much budgeted for business expenditures and supplies. We’ve spent thousands on our ‘done-for-you swipe files’ that include valuable assets like professionally composed legal waivers, dozens of marketing material design files, and lots more.
Building your birth business with us will be better, faster, and more affordable than doing it alone. But it won’t be cheap. Because there’s also the investment of your time. The value of your attention. The cost of doing your best, deepest, creative work to make a business that looks and feels like you—something that makes you proud to mention when people ask what you’ve been up to.
The tuition investment is just the first step, the ‘raising the stakes’ decision that shows your commitment to overcome your status quo and to be somewhere different next year than you are right now.
Despite other institution’s claims that preparing the placenta in clients’ homes is safer, no variation of blood borne pathogen transmission has been observed between institutions that require a client based preparation site vs other locations with over 30 years of time for that differentiation to emerge.
Placenta Encapsulation is one of many occupations that carries a risk of blood exposure. Tattooists, piercers, health-care workers, first-responders etc have the same risks. None of these other professions require services to only be rendered in the client’s home. The reason no other service-based occupations with a high risk of blood exposure require you to provide your own tools, or require services to be performed in the clients home is because with proper sanitation protocols and safety precautions, it is completely unnecessary.
Institutional infringements on encapsulator’s preparation preference significantly diminishes their profit margins due to increased costs. Additionally, many clients do not want the placenta prepared in their space and will not choose providers who are bound by their training institution to only offer services in the client’s home.
Brilliant Birth Academy is in alignment with all other service-based occupations with a high risk of blood exposure; none of which require you to provide your own tools for services rendered, and none of which require services to be performed in the clients home. These actions are unnecessary, costly to practitioners, and a frequent infringement on parental preference. The claims that these protocols make placenta encapsulation safer are unfounded.
We have confidence in our placenta workers and the mothers they serve to come to their own informed decision on a preparation location and do not believe this decision requires institutional interference. We do advise encapsulators to comply with all local laws.
Around 5 hours per week for between 5-6 weeks. There are 40 hours of courses plus assignments. Most of our students have full schedules with families and jobs. Our intensive timeline will stretch you, but will still be manageable with real-life responsibilities.
More than half of your time will be spent producing work to launch your birth business. No lame book reports here or endless paperwork. The Launch Your Business Module and the Uncover Your Brilliance Modules are practical, project-based assignments and personal challenges that will be interwoven through-out the course. A typical lesson might include a 10-minute video on a business strategy that ends with a curated assignment that will get you systematically building the business assets you need to go live. You’ll be acting immediately on new insights instead of thinking “oh, I remember that presentation on how to process credit card payments for my clients…but none of the specifics…how do I do that” …six months later (while you’re still not making money…).
These courses are organized around action, around finishing, around sharing your work and learning from that experience. As you complete projects you’ll set them ‘live’ and get coaching from your program directors, feedback from your peers, and then have an assignment to support fellow students with constructive feedback—which is just another way to help you play with the ideas you’ll be learning. You’ll build amazing relationships as we dream, brainstorm, flesh-out, simplify, and execute on your business. You’ll be in business for yourself, but not by yourself.
We’re glad you asked!
Because we drew this picture for you.
In Uncover Your Brilliance Module, we get personal and practical. We believe your family is just as important as the ones you’re serving, and that’s why we’ve included lifestyle design strategies.
Our innovative and life-changing courses are built to accelerate you into your own dynamic well-being first, and to carry that to the families you serve. We think it matters, not just what you know, but who you are; so our neuroscience-based emotional skills training will equip you to exude a calm and joyous presence while serving in the sacred birth space.
Birth is high-stakes and showing up with consistent excellence in the face of challenges mastery of multiple skills. The courses will demystify what it takes to really be successful and how to build an exceptional foundation in your everyday life that can sustain the cost of really going for your dreams.
To start with, we’re going to clear the clutter in your workspace, your calendar, and your mindset, and we’re going to journey together toward creating a life and a business that you love. You’ll probably get excited, doubt whether the method will work for you, think it’s the dumbest idea ever, think it’s the best idea ever, think you only want to do the part that fits with your personality, realize you actually need to do the other part that you threw away, and come out at the end totally different and exactly true to who you always were. Best part: the course is long enough for you to develop new habits within a community of people who are also upgrading in a serious way so the results last.
You’ll master the skills you need to serve well during birth, but they’ll also prove invaluable as you tackle dream after dream. For many students becoming a birthworker is a first, powerful step toward a life of higher contribution and success.
- Lifetime access to the Brilliant Birth Academy Placenta Encapsulation Certification online course.
- Lifetime certification: no yearly fees here. Our continuing ed programs are voluntary, awesome, and free.
- Epic Bonuses including courses like Finishers Formula, Self Care for Birthworkers, Brilliant Branding, Premium Done-For-You Marketing Materials, legal/contract swipe files, social media assets and more.
- Membership in the Brilliant Birthworker Online Community, where you’ll connect with others making the same strides.
- Rapid response times and detailed attention on all your comments and questions so you never feel stuck waiting.
- A Brilliant Events Pass to all of Brilliant Birth Academy’s online events and summits.
- A 40% off Brilliant Insider Coupon Code to use on ALL future course purchases with us.
- An Ongoing Relationship with your training institution where we seek to add value and opportunities to you long term.
Both. You can view the video lectures any time, and even refer back to them with your life-time access pass. The material comes in PDF, audio, and video format you can access across all devices. The “Become An Expert Module” is a do-at-your-own-pace format, but you can leave questions in the comments section to get an answer right away, or save them for the live Q&A sessions. The Uncover Your Brilliance Module involves personal challenges that students have a riot sharing about in our Facebook group hang out—but sharing is optional and feedback is only for fun.
The Launch Your Business Module is a community project sprint series built around prompts released on Monday mornings. There are real-time, online meetings that usually take place on Tuesday nights and Sunday afternoons. The live event schedule will be released at program launch and will be recorded for later viewing. But trust us—you’ll want to be there live for the surprise giveaways of awesome supplies and services you’ll need for your business. And you can only claim them if you’re on the call!
The fastest anyone’s done it is five weeks. The average length is hard to calculate but it’s about 12 weeks. Our completion rates are higher than industry standard and we value our student’s success– not just their initial payment. We’re here to help you succeed as quickly as possible!
Our courses are limited enrollment and only open three times a year so we can provide better support to our students. Our goal isn’t to be the biggest birth training institution, it’s actually to be small. Small in size, but massive in our vision to create a real difference in the way we welcome babies into the world.
Being a birthworker and providing that conscientious, heart-centered service to newborns and their families during this critical period is one of the most meaningful things you could possibly do with your life. We think you’re brilliant. And worth investing in.
And that’ why our program is totally different than anything on the market. We invest an incredible amount of resources, time, and support into each birthworker we send into the field. There may be less Brilliant Birthworkers, but people can recognize our graduates. They’re gracious and articulate and extremely impressive.
If you’re interested in one of our courses, enter your email into the form on that page and we’ll let you know when the window opens up to jump on the party boat.
Jump Into Our Next Course Launching
You’ll Discover:
The secret to understanding dosage guidelines. This will be vital to your reputation. Plus the exact questions to ask that will ensure you have to get all the information you need for best recommendations.
How to be articulate and confident explaining the science behind the results of your offerings so you can nail those ‘closing the deal’ conversations & feel at peace charging for your valuable service. BONUS Use our done-for-you scripts to best communicate the value of the services you offer.
The single most transformative potential of the medicinally-used placenta. And why no other schools are teaching this simple, specific medicinal application.
The surprisingly easy, mindset shift you need to be completely natural, easy, and free when talk about (and asking for) money.
The number one reason clients ask for a refund and ways to reduce this from happening.
How to help clients feel confident and comfortable within five minutes at your first meeting. We’ll give you advanced training to create excellent rapport.
Plus: Get multi-media marketing materials, done-for you client scripts, legal contracts, and other valuable professional assets.
Ashley Houchin Course Director
Discover Everything You Need
To Become Everything You Want To Be
Transform into an articulate, successful, industry leader. Our course has been re-imagined from the ground up to honor your deepest callings and transform you into an expert on birth.
Re-imagine what’s possible within a real community of brilliant people who are on the same trajectory of growth as you are. Join the movement and discover how easy it is to up-level when you’re with friends.
Discover the thrill of committing to a life that requires you to be your most dynamic self. Become everything you can be to serve each birth with the excellence it deserves.
You’ll be in business for yourself, but never by yourself. We give world-class support as a part of our vision to develop world-class birthworkers. Get the guidance you need to flourish.