
The Align Workshop

A strategy workshop for Perinatal Professionals to align their lives with their deepest values, highest ideals, and ultimate potential.


Remember when you first felt called to this work?

That deep knowing. That sacred YES.

That vision of being fully present while serving families in their vulnerable, transformative moments.

But now? Maybe you’re:
• The exhausted doula who can’t remember the last time she felt truly alive between births
• The midwife questioning her calling through sleepless nights and missed family moments
• The educator whose profound wisdom gets lost in the fog of chronic overwhelm

Do you put your own needs last—literally, even after your pet’s needs? Do you feel like you’re constantly shifting between fight, flight, and ‘f* it’ as you try to please everyone but yourself?

If you are burnt out trying to create a life that you don’t even want to be a part of most days, this workshop is for you. Because you deserve more than just surviving – you deserve to thrive in a reality that deeply inspires and motivates you.
And you can get there from where you are right now.

Yes, yes, I know your life is filled with real, complex, interconnected problems even though you’ve tried:
• Creating self-care routines (interrupted by every birth alert)
• Setting boundaries (that crumble the moment a client needs you)
• Cycling through self-censoring, speaking ‘non-violently’, only to explode in manic screaming, with the exhausted downshift backing to silence…
• Waiting for that mythical “slow season” to rest and reset

But your body is saying stop.

Too much of you is not consenting anymore.

The ‘no’ comes in the form of a headache that no amount of essential oils can reach. The digestive issues that win over your kombucha and broth drinking. The haze in the front of your skull makes you want to burn everything down. The bone-deep fatigue that coffee can’t shift.

These are somatic signals holding the fierce frequency of “I’m not meant to live this way.” Because you have not said “I will not,” your bodily wisdom is saying “I cannot.”


But you keep:

• Living routines that feel like profound self-abandonment.
• Flat-lining as you fail to uphold the weight of your life.
• Chronically canceling plans while using the “I just had a birth!” excuse, even when that was days ago (but the fog hasn’t lifted).
• Drowning in the disappointment because despite everything, you still somehow manage to out-give in nearly every relationship.

Here’s the truth: our bodies keep score

If your nervous system is stuck in survival mode, your body is in a lockdown state where connection and support bounce right off. Even authentic bids for connection feels like energy harvesting.

And no amount of spa days, meditation apps, or self-care can override your body’s survival programming when you’re in a chronic experience that’s both unfulfilling and overwhelming.

But here’s the secret that changes everything:

your nervous system holds the key to Your transformation

The way the soul brings forth its sacred signature expression is the same way the feminine genius brings forth new human souls onto this plane: in softness and ecstasy.

Think about how you support a mother in labor. You can’t force a birth. You simply hold space for the natural unfolding of her sacred somatic intuition to unfold and express. A woman with an open and receptive nervous system is an ecstatic force of nature.

It’s time to doula your own alignment with the same reverence. This program is about closing the breach between your ordinary life and the extraordinary life you were born to live.

Because just as a well-supported birth unfolds with its own perfect timing, a birth worker with a regulated nervous system becomes an unstoppable force of nature. She naturally:

• Holds space for transformation while remaining grounded in her own power
• Receives graciously and inspires others to give more generously
• Flows between intense work and deep rest like the natural rhythm of birth contractions

Align is a workshop designed to support you through your own transition from the chaos of burned-out bitterness to the extraordinary life of feminine flow, ease, and alignment.

Program Summary:

Align is seven action-focused modules on how to cultivate a breakthrough mindset plus everything you need to know for habit development so you can change habit after habit in your life. You’ll identify the keystone habit that will make the biggest difference to your transformation and design your ‘Masterpiece Day’ to ground your dreams into the bedrock of your current reality.

Join The Strategy Workshop

The Heroine’s Journey Home to Yourself

Over seven transformational days, you’ll experience a complete reset of your body, mind, and soul. Each module builds upon the last, creating a foundation for lasting change. You’ll learn:

• Why letting go of a distracted and addicted lifestyle all at once is easier than tackling problems one at a time.
• The difference between unhealthy choices and subconscious/impulsive actions. Getting unstuck for both is simple, but you have to know what you’re dealing with.
• How your current patterns are like a mal-positioned baby; they just need gentle adjustment for embodied creative expression.
• How to escape the prison of your grievance stories to upgrade your confidence, health, and contribution.
• How to access the same intuitive wisdom you use at births, but for your own transformation.

Once your system is open and receptive rather than guarded, you’ll see how quickly receiving graciously transforms strained relationships into deep connections filled with warmth and understanding. Just watch how things will get as “good as you can stand.”

Align With Your Native Somatic Wisdom

Many of us have traded away our wild nature and intuitive gifts for safety or acceptance; this workshop is designed to be a full exhale as you align your life with your own deepest source of wisdom.

Align is an initiation for you to self-embrace the simple, authentic pleasure of who you really are and what you really want.

• Learn how ‘your why’ enables loving alignment with transformational power, so you don’t have to use willpower or force to change your life. If you need to use willpower—you’re still internally conflicted.
• Tap into motivation as powerful as a mother’s urge to push. Goodbye force, hello flow.
• Lean into your body’s somatic wisdom as clearly as you read birth cues.
• Commit to living from embodied wisdom rather than external demands.
• Identify where you’re stifling self-expression and why.
• Break out of your too-small story as you use the power of neuroplasticity to shatter unhealthy subconscious patterns and self-imposed boundaries. Learn this, change everything.

Science Says Micro-Habits, Not Heavy Goals, Are The True Path To Transformation

Many of you probably feel like a lot would have to change in your life in order for you to experience abundance and ease.

Surprisingly, working hard all the time toward change isn’t the answer – the data says the counterintuitive approach of simply mastering micro-habits is.

(Perfect. I prefer to stay in a deliciously relaxed state.)

Just as transition requires complete surrender, you’ll learn why establishing new patterns (not just setting goals) changes everything.

The key to transformation isn’t ‘goal achievement’. It’s habit establishment.

Because you are what you do repeatedly.

Thankfully, what’s simple to do is also simple not to do. Learn how to do the healthy, simple things long enough—(we’ll show you how) to ignite the miracle of the compound effect.

Day four of this program is “Keystone Habit.” A keystone habit is a micro-habit you commit to that radically shifts everything else; it’s the SPI that will deliver you to your most audacious life. For many of you that will look like daily somatic exercises to restore vagus nerve health. This will unlock your body’s innate capacity to heal from stress, trauma, anxiety, and injury. 

But others of you will have new micro habits around service, creative expression, financial abundance, and more. In this workshop you’ll gain authentic clarity on what your keystone habit should be. The truth you generate with this practice will shock you. We’ll touch on the science behind making good habits effortless, so you can breeze past resistance and master the habit-building process. Engage with this and very soon, you will be unrecognizable.

Design Your Masterpiece Day

Day five is Masterpiece Days. If you want to have a great life and a great year, you have to have great days—your year isn’t made up of somedays; it’s made up of today.

Regardless of challenging circumstances, today is the best day for total life alignment.

Your Sacred Return to Feminine Flow State

How is this Workshop Different?

This isn’t another “birth worker self-care” program that slaps a thin branding veneer over a basically masculine-dominant goal-setting program where you #focus and #grind… and then collapse before the month is even over.

This program honors the unique demands of birth work (and your holistic, multifaceted life) …our method is not to get you to focus on your ‘one thing.’ (Like, what does that even mean to a woman?!?)

This program is all about the reclamation of your vitality as you recalibrate your nervous system and remember your divine birthright to live in the joyful expression of your unique self.

We also go deep into right-brained ‘subconscious’ processing, which is where your body experiences life in its immediacy and its fullness. We’ll only be dipping into the more masculine left brain to highlight the science-backed research within our seven-day workshop.

But we’re not going to inundate you with the mountain of research behind why the recommendations work; this course is designed for levity, for accessibility, and for action.

Drawing from over 50 books of cutting-edge research on neuroplasticity, high performance, and habit formation, Align presents science-backed strategies designed for one purpose: to take you from surviving to thriving. This material seeks a whole-life transformation that works with your brain, not against it.

This Is Your Invitation Home to Yourself

• Experiencing the freedom that comes from releasing guilt and embracing your worth.
• Deeply reseting your nervous system from fight/flight/freeze to the same flow state you create in the sacred birth space.
• Attracting support and care naturally instead of forcing and fuming.
• Feeling deeply resourced instead of perpetually depleted.
• Living from a place of magnetic abundance instead of scarcity and struggle.
• Moving through your days with poise and power instead of burnt-out energy.
• Moving in the same dynamics of strength and surrender you use to guide a mother through the birth portal.
• Finally accessing the calm, undefended nervous system that is able to relax, unfold, and send creative energy outward.

Your soul isn’t damaged. Your body isn’t broken. You’re simply ready for a new way of being that honors all of who you are. Join us to reset, reclaim, and recode your system for feminine flow, and alignment.

Our video trainings combine cutting-edge science with sacred wisdom so you are fully clear, completely inspired, and fully equipped for change. 

Designed for those who need extraordinary levels of breakthrough, the All-In Align Experience is a gentle yet challenging program designed to heal, inspire, and release you into your highest potential.

Every point on the circle is the optimal point for diving into the center. So stop jumping around the circle trying to get to ‘someday’ and dive in today.

Because your potential is too brilliant to stay trapped in survival mode.


P.S. The world needs your gifts expressed from a place of wholeness, not depletion. Your alignment isn’t just a personal matter – it’s a revolutionary act of service to everyone you touch.