
Speaker videos due on or before Feb 28th, Summit is Premiering In:

Thank you for your message & work

We want to share it as widely as we can in these unprecedented times. Please review the following deliverables we need in order to highlight your material at our summit running March 10th-12th 2022. 

Upload Your Assets Here

Asset Submission Guidelines

Lighting: Sufficient lighting coming from in front of you is essential for quality video production. Film in a well lit area, preferably natural light that’s indirectly coming through windows. Avoid direct sunlight as this can “blow out” the image. If no natural light is available, use as many ambient lights as possible to eliminate shadows around your face. This ring light is a great option whether you are recording with your smartphone or on desktop/laptop: https://amzn.to/2IF9pdy

Smartphone Recording: You can use your smartphone to record but it must be on a tripod, not held in your hand. Please make sure you have adequate lighting.

Computer Recording: Onboard microphones are usually not sufficient. External microphone recommendation: https://amzn.to/30YDYRO (somethings this is preferable to headphones or earbuds) Or portable: https://amzn.to/2nwOeD0 Some built-in laptop webcams are not sufficient. External webcam recommendation: https://amzn.to/326YTmZ

Video – 1080p 30fps – .mp4, h264, or .mov formats (most iPhones and DSLRs record in these natively). 720p is fine as an alternative. Do your best with wardrobe and background– we understand we’re all shooting from home. Please also do you best to limit noise from your pets or children in the background.

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