
Speak at our Evergreen Summit-- Add your presentation today!

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This summit is being built to be continuously played as an evergreen summit. To participate, please use the speaker form and more information will be sent.

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Topics For Speaker Sessions

Asset Submission Guidelines

Summits convert best into sales when the content is focused on actionable (not informational) content. 

Please include practical ideas for how professionals who serve at the time of birth can implement an insight based on what you’ve presented. 

Please don’t overthink your topic choice—we’ve almost never gotten a talk we didn’t love. If it inspires professionals who serve during the arc of fertility through postpartum, we’re sure it will be fantastic!

We love the inclusion of slides, PDF articles, and first-source resources we can include as a download with your presentation — these are welcome as a value add but not required. 

Please DO NOT include: 

  • Any reference to your upcoming offerings on a specific date that will quickly expire. 
  • In-video direct promotion of your offerings. 

Emails with links to your offering convert 70% better than voice-based (non-linked promotion)– we will collect your promotional materials to direct traffic to your offering starting Nov 1st.  

Remember, the value-forward videos are what make the summit a high-value, standalone product.

We will put links to all your work below your presentation, and as you provide value, people will naturally be motivated to connect with you. 

Microphone: Our top microphone recommendation is this one— if you need support setting up professional-grade audio/visual capacity, please see Right Turn Media group. They are doing incredible work in our field and also help authors with full grade audio book recordings etc. 

Lighting: Sufficient lighting coming from in front of you is essential for quality video production. Film in a well lit area, preferably natural light that’s indirectly coming through windows. Avoid direct sunlight as this can “blow out” the image. If no natural light is available, use as many ambient lights as possible to eliminate shadows around your face. This ring light is a great option whether you are recording with your smartphone or on desktop/laptop: https://amzn.to/2IF9pdy

Smartphone Recording: You can use your smartphone to record but it must be on a tripod, not held in your hand. Please make sure you have adequate lighting.

Computer Recording: Onboard microphones are usually not sufficient. External microphone recommendation: https://amzn.to/30YDYRO (somethings this is preferable to headphones or earbuds) Or portable: https://amzn.to/2nwOeD0 Some built-in laptop webcams are not sufficient. External webcam recommendation: https://amzn.to/326YTmZ

Presentations should share your insights with no fluff! Most submissions range from 20 minutes to full 60-minute masterclasses.  

The video should include actionable insights for a birth PROFESSIONAL audience. 

Slides are preferred but not required. 

To ask a question, please email me at Steph@brilliantbirthacademy.com

Can We Promote You Back?

Our summit will have bonus ‘stacks’ styled similarly to this. This is a quality example of an ‘offer stack’ previously made by our company. After your speaker submission, you’ll receive an email so we can collect information to promote you. 

Promotion To Your Offer Can Include: 

  • Reciprocal emails sent to our list about any future offer or event you want to drive traffic to.
  • A value PDF as a part of our summit bundles that directs people to your site at the end. 
  • A one-page flyer PDF highlighting an image of your offer with a special summit discount and the coupon code BRILLIANT 

This summit is a high-converting sales offer and is designed to be a source of evergreen referral traffic for your business as we do reciprocal mailings for you. If you have big revenue plans ahead, join us and let’s see how we could be better together.

Affiliate/Sharing details

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