
Become A Fertility Health Coach

A Fertility Health Coach utilizes specific health surveys, medical labs, and other professional tools to establish a foundation for a healthy pregnancy, find and remove obstacles to fertility, and use coaching skills to guide couples on a direct and peaceful path to parenthood.  


 Find and remove fertility obstacles using professional tools


Help clients create optimal fertility environments


Develop coaching skills to guide clients effectively


Learn business & marketing skills to set up your practice


Discover an Integrated and Systematic Approach to Creating a Successful Fertility Health Coach Practice


Our Holistic Fertility Certification Scope Of Practice

Your Fertility Health Coaching has a manageable scope of boundaries, a unique sphere of influence, and a clear range of support that is not the same as that of a licensed healthcare provider. So take a deep breath and realize you don’t need to know everything, it’s not your job to diagnose or treat infertility. Your coaching practice supports families with strategies to be healthy in their mind, body, and emotions.


Pillars Of Competency

Assess maternal supplements, explain the benefits of limited supplements and focused healing.

  • Become familiar with supplements so you can educate on the difference between whole food and synthetic supplements.
  • Educate couple on the specific probiotics, vitamins, and minerals that create an optimal physiological environment in the body for conception.
  • Explain the benefits of herbs, especially preconception use, to ensure safety once pregnant.
  • Identify and educate on apoptogenic herbs.

  • Educate on the best diet to promote fertility.
  • Understand how food sensitivity and celiac affect fertility.
  • Articulate how gut health affects fertility and how to test for it.
  • Differentiate between IgG/ IgA food sensitivity tests.
  • Educate couples on the use of fermented foods and importance of gut health for fertility.
  • Educate on castor oil packs and the pros and cons of juicing.

  • Guide couples in creating an optimal environment for fertility including recognizing and eliminating environmental toxins, evaluating hygiene products etc.
  • Understand how heavy metals, mold, electrical magnetic fields, and water quality affect fertility.
  • Understand how dental care may be connected to miscarriage.
  • Guide couple with best practices for detoxing before conception with a personal detox plan based on intake forms.

  • Educate on reproductive anatomy, charting, and maternal cycle reading. 
  • Understand and educate on how to achieve optimal maternal hormonal health for fertility.
  • Understand PMS, and educate on how to alleviate PMS while balancing maternal hormones.
  • Educate woman on egg health factors.
  • Advise women on assessing mucus and promoting fertile mucus.
  • Understand and educate on a man’s reproductive anatomy and sperm development.
  • Articulate common reasons for male infertility
  • Understand and educate on epigenetics, gametogenesis, and spermatogenesis.
  • Understand how to support a woman passed age 35.
  • Understand perimenopause, hormonal replacement therapy, and bioidentical hormones.
  • Educate on causes of infertility and miscarriage including genetic issues.
  • Understand tubal issues, testing, and treatment options.
  • Educate on fibroids, varicoceles, endometriosis
  • Educate on treatment for uterine disorders.
  • And much more! 


  • Define what a basic fertility workup is and when it is done.
  • Learn the most effective tests used to assess for infertility issues.
  • Educate on options for independently ordering fertility test verses through a doctor.
  • Educate on what tests would be beneficial for unexplained infertility.
  • Define each of the following tests, learn when they are done, and why:
    • CBC, FSH, LH, Prolactin, Thyroid panel, Vitamin D,
  • Educate on best practices for blood, saliva, and urine testing.
  • Educate on PCOS, and how it is diagnosed, and best practice for treatment.
  • Define MTHFR, Factor V Leiden Genotyping, and prothrombin Genotyping.
  • Understand the types of birth control and how they effect fertility.


  • Educate on types of health care providers that support fertility and the reasons for seeing a medical doctor verse a functional or naturopathic doctor.
  • Learn how to appropriately refer women while establishing good working relationships with other care providers as a fertility coach.
  • Advise clients on collaborative therapies for fertility including fertility massage, infrared sauna, myofascial massage, chiropractic care, acupressure, Chi nei tsang, and reflexology.
  • Educate on common fertility treatments.
  • Educate on IVF and understand potential moral concerns for clients.
  • Educate on egg adoption.

Discover a proven framework for investigating fertility issue and learn how to guide couples in lifestyle choices while equipping them with the tools they need to lay a foundation for healthy fertility.


Kind Words From Our Students:

Fertility Coach 4

A successful Fertility Coach must master all three of these pillars

Understand Fertility Health Information


Develop Health Coaching Skills 


Master the Science of Client Acquisition 


So far we’ve addressed fertility health information, but that is only one pillar of study that must be mastered in order to become a successful fertility health coach. Because it’s easy to have a certification on the wall next to an empty calendar. That’s why our training includes a masterseries on how to get clients. 


For years, we’ve witnessed passionate professionals struggle to build thriving careers despite their dedication and expertise. 

This course bridges the gap between your passion for supporting families and the practical skills needed to build an impactful career.

Discover proven strategies to fill your calendar with aligned clients and your bank account with the monthly amount YOU strategically determine. 


This pillar of your Fertility Health Coach Training includes step-by-step guidance through business fundamentals to ensure your foundation is dialed in and ready for expansion.

  1. Intentionally Designing Your Client Acquisition Strategy
  2. Consistently Schedule Clients for Fully Booked Months
  3. Why You Need A Niche + How to Craft One
  4. Design Your ‘Ideal Customer Journey’
  5. The Art of Irresistible Offers: Crafting Business Descriptions That Sell
  6. Enjoyable ‘Open the Relationship’ Conversations

Once you’re poised for growth, use these courses to design an intake strategy that you love! Pursue levity and joy as you gain the inspiration and tactical know-how to attract clients effectively.

  • How to Get Clients from Hosting Circles
  • How to Get Clients from Hosting Ceremonies
  • How to Get Clients from Talks and Workshops
  • How to Get Clients from Referrals
  • How to Get Clients from Networking
  • How to Get Clients from Instagram
  • How to Get Clients from Facebook 

Our Fertility Business Training Includes A Proven Facebook Ads Training System

This system will enable you to easily turn your ad spending budget up when you’re seeking more families to serve, and back down once your coaching calendar is full. The truth is, Facebook makes it easy to waste money on ads that aren’t properly set up and would never convert. This step-by-step training shows how to set up the system properly so you can finally experience an effective ad spend. Let us guide you through tech installation, common pitfalls to avoid, plus our insider secrets for how to turn your ad spend into perfectly aligned, paying clients for your health coaching practice.

The Fertility Coach Condensed Facebook Ads Course Includes:

  • Facebook profile and business page creation
  • Create a Facebook business manager account
  • How to create your audience
  • Deep dive into audience/avatar
  • What is a pixel, and how to install it
  • Creating lead generation and conversation ads
  • How to create your audience: custom and lookalike audiences
  • Review and understand your ad results
  • Mind-blowing re-targeting strategies
  • Best practices if your ad and business manager accounts are disabled
  • Do’s and don’ts about copywriting and pictures plus ad rejection solutions

Discover The Joy of Coaching

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When it’s time to move from student mode to action mode, we're here for you!

You’ll be building a business for yourself, but never by yourself. Learn our step-by-step process for mentally and practically preparing to  serve your very first client. Get simple checklists, confidence-boosting scripts, done-for-you assets, and a proven system to get you launched as a confident Fertility Health Coach.

Sample Of Included Business Courses

We’re serious about actually launching your business! You can have an LLC, fancy branding, and owe thousands in ‘start-up costs,’ but you haven’t launched until you’ve been paid for your coaching.

Learn our step by step process for mentally and practically preparing to close the deal, set pricing, and serve your very first client. Get simple check-lists, confidence-boosting scripts, done-for-you assets, and a proven system to get you launched as a confident Fertility Health Coach.

We’ll teach you how to take your first client, what to charge, and how to turn first practice clients into testimonials that gain full paying clients.

How and why you need at least two incredible offers as a Fertility Coach and how to create them! There are seven parts to designing a compelling offer you’ll be proud sell and your ideal clients will be happy to buy. You must include all seven parts because it’s always easier for your ideal client to do …nothing!

These seven psychological triggers integrate to overcome resistance, and help people say yes to something better! Learn how to easily present what you do, so ideal clients easily understand the transformational benefits you create.

Bonus: get our ‘Creating Your Offer’ Checklist’ to design an offer that is ‘must-have’ rather than ‘meh’.

Finding and attracting your ideal client depends on how strongly you commit to a certain type of person or problem you want to serve. Decide on and describe the transformation you want to create. Do you want to specialize in:

  • IVF?
  • Recurrent miscarriage?
  • 35 plus or 40 plus?
  • Preconception preparation?
  • Fertility tinctures and herbs?
  • Natural Family planning?

This lesson will teach you about how to decide on a niche, so you can create marketing content and offers for your ideal client.

This is the number one coaching skill of successful fertility health coaches. Why? In order to serve clients, you have to master the art of helping prospective clients decide and take action to better their fertility.

We’ll show you how to prepare for, set expectations, and run a successful initial conversation with prospects that turns a high percentage into paying clients.

Many birth professionals and health coaches will say their biggest challenge is “getting clients”—but it’s actually a lack of the skills covered in this master class.

A powerful ‘Open the Relationship Conversation’ builds on our Designing Your First Two Foundational Offers Masterclass as you present valuable resources and help the other person discover the path that is best for them.

Bonus: our “Specific Question Sequence Map” is designed to ‘open the relationship’ rather than ‘close the deal’ as you give clarity on where the potential client is in their Fertility journey, where they want to be, so you can naturally help them uncover the best pathway for them.

Learn how to anticipate common objections, grab our follow up email copy template, and learn how to respond when a potential client no-shows for this meeting.

Learn about four proven road-maps to getting your first clients, and decide which one is right for you!

Learn how to interview people in your ideal demographic, turn practice clients into referrals, effectively network, and identify and on-board referral partners.

Get detailed and proven checklists, done-for-you scripts, and mindset training on how to book you first (or fiftieth) client.

At Brilliant Birth Academy we usually present ‘A Day in The Life Of’ so you can imagine and plan what running your new business will practically look like.

This course is a continuation of principles taught in the ‘Consistently Schedule Clients’ lesson as we build on how to integrate client generating activities into your calendar. In this course we get practical on how to build on this course’s foundation and how to build your marketing content with continuous learning.

Kara is a lifelong, avid learner! It’s almost impossible to write the girl a bio because she always has some new credential!

Score Kara’s ‘Resource List for Continuous Fertility Education’ with our top book and podcast recommendations list.

We also present our tech and software recommendations for the best systems and tools to create a beautiful and smoother business.

Kind Words From Our Students:

Discover Everything You Need To Become Everything You Want To Be


 This course is designed to honor your story, discover your calling, and transform you into a confident expert.


Welcome to our community of brilliant people; join the movement and discover how fast you can grow  with friends.


Become everything you can be to serve each family with the excellence they deserve. We  teach foundational skills for sustained generosity.


You’ll be in business for yourself, but never by yourself. We give world-class support to develop world-class coaches. 

FAQ + Certification Details

In order to certify as a Fertility Health Coach with Brilliant Birth Academy you’ll need to complete:

  1. Course Video Completion Requirements: Our system must indicate you’ve watched 80% of the course material videos (basically, this equals you viewing most of the videos, most of the way through). Our Academy has an app so you can conveniently watch on the go; your phone app and desktop will synch progress automatically so you never lose your spot.
  2. Homework: Submit five ‘Coaching Topic Handouts’ of your choice; you’ll use this work to clarify your business’ ‘niche’ choice, and develop your expertise. All action you’ll be taking as part of the program is working on your business with relevant assets you’ll be able to use. Other worksheets and educational projects are optional.
  3. Final Exam: Take our 50-question multiple choice examination with a passing score of 70%– these questions will be similar to unit end quizzes.
    1. Unit end quizzes are a tool for your personal knowledge assessment to ensure you have clarity on which concepts we find most important. These serve to prepare you for the final exam; they are not graded.


We have intentionally chosen not to be accredited by AADP or ICF– these are pay-to-play organizations that put their seal on anyone willing to go through their process (and, more importantly, give them money).

They also have high annual fees, and we have a hard time assessing their actual benefits (despite all the site’s bullet points).

They may serve to increase confidence in the quality of the course for prospects, but ultimately, that’s something we ask you to assess for yourself by doing the preview that gets you inside the course and analyzing the catalog. We also have a money-back guarantee if you access the entire suite of materials and decide it’s not for you.

The kind of credentials that would tangibly open additional doors of opportunities for students would involve higher levels of accreditation, such as having a real master’s degree in these topics, which is beyond the scope of this program. 

With a 5 hours per week investment you should be able to start seeing clients in three months. There are 50 hours of content plus reading time and assignments.

Most of our students have full schedules with families and jobs. Our intensive timeline will stretch you, but will still be manageable with real-life responsibilities. Most of the women behind the scenes at the academy have babies, and an *average of 5 kids. Jim Rohn said: “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” Every course comes with courses on how to make time in your schedule for your new course because we care about our course completion rates.

We’re not in the business of selling online programs–we are trying welcome every newborn into a world that feels like love. Practically, that means the Academy is designed to accelerate you through certification and into sustainable service.

Assignments are designed to build your fertility coaching business. We don’t believe in making you write essay papers no one will ever read, or complete pointless and complicated paperwork requirements. We only assign practical, project-based assignments and personal challenges designed get you systematically building the business assets you need to build confidence and take your first client.

Some worksheets, ‘self-work challenges’ and educational projects are optional; required assignments simply include guided writing of client assets you’ll need and use in your business. This process will help you clarify your business’ ‘niche’ choice, and develop your expertise.

This course is organized around action, around finishing, around sharing your work and learning from that experience. 

  • Lifetime Access to the Fertility Health Coach Certification online course. You can permanent access with no limitation dates.  
  • Lifetime Certification: once you earn your cert we’re against required yearly fees. Our continuing ed programs are voluntary, awesome, and free.
  • Epic Bonuses including courses like Finishers Formula, Brilliant Branding, Premium Done-For-You Marketing Materials, legal/contract swipe files, social media assets and more.
  • Membership in the Brilliant Birth Professional Online Communitywhere you’ll connect with others making the same strides as community leaders and business owners.
  • A 40% off Brilliant Insider Coupon Code to use on ALL future course purchases with us. 
  • An Ongoing Relationship with your training institution where we seek to add value and opportunities to you long term.

Now! Simply select your purchase options for instant access. If you have questions, please connect with us at admissions@brilliantbirthacademy.com or schedule a call with us here. Please see the preview and catalog before purchase, as all course purchases are final. 

Our Advanced Technology Creates A Transformational Learning Experience Online

Our multimedia classroom experience brings instruction into your home and delivers on your schedule. Sign up for a course preview here

  • Watch condensed video presentations online on your computer or in our smartphone app.
  • Access PDF resources and instructor slides so you can reference and review details.
  • Listen on the go and fly through the course confident that all important details are waiting inside the course PDF download section.

A full, no-hassle refund is granted within 30 days of purchase if no more than 20% of the course finished to protect our process and systems. 

Many of our students are medical professionals disillusioned by the system who come with dreams of deeper engagement with couples and more consistent results. Our students include: 

  • An IVF clinic nurse who dreamed of working with couples directly  
  • Acupuncturists and chiropractors who built out fertility coaching to more holistically serve the stream of clients coming to them for that issue
  • Health coaches who want to specialize in the fertility niche 

But most students are just everyday women from all professional fields who have a calling to serve in this way. The course is designed to be a continuing education course for busy professionals so you can switch careers in three months or less with no additional courses needed. 

We have students joining from 52 nations of the world and have specific concentrations of students thriving in India, Canada, Australia, and the Netherlands. Please email us for a payment link in your currency at admissions@brilliantbirhacademy.com

This Course Comes With Multiple Master Classes Including: