Announcing The Academy All-Access Pass

Purchase Lifetime, Annual, & Monthly Access

Now, For A Limited Time 



Shhh… This is a Limited Time, Exclusive List Offer

Annual and Monthly Memberships: Limited volume; slots are capped for trial analytics. Don’t miss out—get your membership before they’re sold out!

Single Course Purchases: All courses remain available for individual purchase on our website.

Certification Capacity Is Included In Memberships

Why Membership?

We believe that community-based “wise women” providing continuous care is the only solution complex enough to remedy our dysfunctional medical system.

This model is also more aligned with how birth professionals want to serve families, which is comprehensively through the arc of fertility to postpartum.

With this membership plan that we’ve been dreaming about for years, you can now access the whole academy, on demand. This is similar to how other platforms like Masterclass, Commune, and Netflix operate, with membership access rather than individual course purchase. This is a trial offer that we will be carefully analyzing, but we believe this will increase completion rates, and better honor your valuable finances.

Continuing Education Masterclasses

Frequently Asked Questions



Yes! All membership programs include both professional development courses and certification courses that include certification capacity; membership purchase does not guarantee certification.

Certification requirements as outlined on each certification purchase page must be completed and submitted to the academy before member is eligible for certification.

Please be advised, the Placenta Encapsulation Course does have third party requirements.

Because the nature of the membership being a certification goal in many cases, users are required to understand certification requirements, and to manage their time in completing them. After the submission of all student requirements, Brilliant Birth Academy reserves the right to take five full business days to process student materials before issuing certification.

Certification is not granted to accounts with an inactive or deliquiate financial status—this is true for both memberships and single course purchase on payment plans.

Brilliant Birth Academy’s annual and monthly membership program is billed automatically based on the billing cycle you have selected. When you sign up for a recurring monthly or annual membership program or buy a payment plan, you give Brilliant Birth Academy permission to charge your credit card repeatedly. 

Receipts on purchases will be sent at initial purchases and on recurring transactions.

Your account will renew at the recurring price every month unless you cancel your subscription before the end of the current subscription period.

You have the option to modify your payment method or cancel your subscription from within your account at any time.

Academy members can cancel their subscription from their account:

  • Log in to your account.
  • Click on the Avatar from the page header.
  • Select Settings from the dropdown.
  • Click Billing Info in the top right of the page:
  • Select the Cancel button.

After you click Cancel, you will be prompted to confirm your cancelation. Once confirmed, you will lose access to their Offer Subscription at the end of the current billing cycle. 

Instructions for how users may manually cancel their subscription from their account will be automatically sent in a clear, dedicated email immediately upon purchase. Please note before purchase, our policy is that memberships need to be canceled by users at their discretion from within their accounts and we do not cancel memberships upon request. 

We’ve been known in the industry to have an unusually generous refund policy, but our 30-day ‘no questions asked’ money-back guarantee does not apply to our all-access memberships.

All-access memberships are non-refundable as you are paying for availability; therefore, even if you decide not to utilize the service, we do not offer refunds for periods of inaction.

We are committed to ethical marketing, and do our best to give clear and accurate representations of our work which includes course catalogs, previews, and other measures of transparency.

Please carefully review our offerings before purchase and don’t commit to a financial charge that could possibly put a strain on you or your family. 

If you have questions, please contact our support team before purchasing at

See our terms and conditions page for more details. 

While many more courses are in active production with imminent release dates, the currently published courses that are live at this time of purchase include:

Certification Courses

Fertility Health Coach Certification Course 

Aromatherapist Certification Course 

Placenta Encapsulator Certification Course 

Placenta Encapsulator Re- Cert Special Pricing

Essential Oils Birth Consultant Certificate



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